Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Closer ties between US and India: Secretary of State

Amid the Antis scrambling to put the act of TEA party (Lipton or Green Label?) together, This is what Hillary Clinton has to say about India-US ties:

"Now that the government is in place, we are moving quickly to strengthen our ties. Our senior career diplomats, Undersecretary of State Bill Burns and newly minted Assistant Secretary of State Bob Blake, have returned from India this weekend to tell me of the enormous potential for progress in our relationship with New Delhi."

"After the Cold War ended, President (Bill) Clinton opened a new chapter of engagement with India," Clinton said.

"Talks between former Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott and his Indian counterpart helped to establish a new foundation for our relationship. And of course, my husband and daughter had an extraordinary visit toward the end of his term in office," Clinton said.

The Secretary of State termed the Indo-US nuclear deal as the second era and said the Obama Administration is determined to take it to the third stage.

"This landmark accord, which the Obama administration is fully committed to implementing, provides a framework for economic and technical cooperation, between our two countries, and allows us to move beyond our concerns about the status of India's nuclear program, an issue that dominated our relationship for much of the last decade," Clinton said.

I guess Clinton and Obama, both are fools. What say you, Antis?


  1. I guess Clinton and Obama haven't been briefed by the "Insurgency" LMFAO.

  2. The funny thing is that the delusional Rat thinks his silly kiddish "Insurgency" is actually making a difference, he lands up stealing credit for anything remotely connected to immigration, while i guess stealing is in the Insurgencies DNA, Rat stealing code, credit, dildos etc, that RV trailer trash Mike steals credit for having "Invented" the Anti-spam industry, and the only mention of him having done that, in the whole internet is in his OWN goddamn blog ROTLMFAO.

    I wont be surprised if all these turds are residents from the same mental asylum, that just got access to the internet.

    One flew over the insurgents nest .LOL

  3. Feel free to circulate this blog, and use the content to counter the Antis.
